Friday 1 February 2013

Now there I was coming out of that there dry old had been tough recently and now that my view had the green foliage and scrub returned...well I just started enjoying that there ol view...and as I walked staring at the back of that reliable old horse's ears...I allowed my mind to just wander around...first I sort of wandered about people...and in America I kind of wandered...where would I look to when we take a gander at what America has created...there is depth...breadth...and a whole lot of other stuff too...but when I really ponder and allow my mind to go name stands out among that pack...Walt there was a MAN...a ICON...all very definitely...the man had inspiration but with that there inspiration...his message was always the most positive...and when we now look we can see just how true and reliable comes this valuable recipe...the man had soul and with this too...he created a company that has surpassed...and withstood the very tests of time too...then I wandered on and I got to thinking about an my mind orchards are beautiful things...they are most sustainable that they are...I got to thinking about an an apple for myself represents vision...and vision well that's a beautiful concept...sitting that saddle I realized that along with said inspiration...the vision company something people in general love too...and then I thought that maybe along with this pleasant thought...well now security that always comes to mind...and along with a man must have perspective...and then I thought about that man...Neil Armstrong I think his name there was a man...landed on the moon he all came with a plan...a plan that gave perspective where none other could most definitely only be amazed...for it was NASA that was in truth responsible for his there is a team that anyone can better than they to live and learn from...and if that brave soul...Neil Armstrong relied on them...DAMN...what a distance all alone...but they were there...there for his yes I know I may be getting a little ahead of myself...tsk...tsk...but when we deal in security I must admit...MI6 and the James Bond thing...then there's Sherlock Holmes and well now yes Scotland yard...these names just stand out for myself...I must admit I do love the good old yarn...and if spun in the correct manner...well lets look at a vehicle something tried tested know how a man gets to thinking along lines...of carrying that, that is in his the people for people what is filled with anti-oxidants and such...taking care of bodies and blood supply...then there's always US...and for good measure...I always did fancy Blackberries...they all along have ensured that I...have some form of...extended run along very different veins...whilst the business at hand and in its with all created must move boldly forward...I again look to America...such a source of inspiration...take Bill Gates...I'm sure that most people will wonder with allure...just exactly...why he remains king...I must say just looking in...that there man is reliable, reliable as sin...a pirate in hand is always better...and then there's the Korean's and others...corporations...corporations...corporations...another that I from birth have loved...and I'll tell you why...this corporation was once responsible...for my fathers "brand new hi fi"...and some tunes well there was my youth...but supply and demand...well that there Sony it was the best...then there's always the minerals of the land...every good man...well he needs his minerals about him yes most definitely needs to look at structure and take care to...ensure that his body is looked after...right now though I feel...swings roundabouts and a jungle gym or two...minerals and mans body would make for another conversation one day...right now all that matters is a plan in a mans mind...yup set him up just right...I feel that the corp for this to ensure...must be along the lines of DAMN its TRUE...Namaste dear friends...
P.S. I must say that I am amazed ar how wonderful life has become...and if I could wish for anything right now...the URL only gets in the way...of things that one cannot really say...being in the desert a long time...gets a man TRUTH and.....HONESTY and........INTEGRITY.....YEAH.......well all things nice but family well there's just no price....

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