Thursday 7 February 2013

One should never be larger than oneself...

...Namaste...Riding that ol’ desert lost and bewildered has left me with so much to contemplate…many things come to mind when one is in the desert, and one tends to forget…I cannot forget the three times that a hand was extended…three times the trail laid out…and yet so rushed and panic set in…all I did was return to the circles that have left me spinning quietly inside my head…there are sayings for all that I've done…”there are none so blind as those that will not see”…”cannot see the wood for the trees” dear me…”You make things far more complicated than they’re meant to be”…and my personal favorite “Stop chasing your own tail”…and there I was “larger than myself”…all tools for ones ego feeding the desire that begs others to “look at me”…there was and still is the advertising systems, all very good and designed to slake one’s thirst…but again in my steadfast haste…I past right on by looking to “do my worst”…surrounded by love, light and fine brothers all looking to assist…why is it that one must always “get in the way of oneself”?...conversing well so I thought – instead of assisting, cajoling and directing the conversation…all I in essence did was get in the way of those that sought to assist…inevitably killing said conversation…and steering it to it’s very banal end…now taking that first bite of humble pie was nowhere near as bitter as one might have thought…humility may bring one to ones knees…but then again, it is only a different vantage point…that inevitably succeeds in highlighting one’s shortcomings…for this I must say…I would not have seen where it not for…my brothers three making seven and then there is always our Father…your experience, your concern, your love, your loyalty and above all your commitment to the task…leaves me humbled as never before…the child in a faraway land…lost but held so that no more of its impetuousness can harm…the child itself…I know not what to say save that humbled, belittled and foolish…I have been… more grateful I could never be…for those that myself with love and integrity have surrounded…all the while protecting me…not so much from others as from my very self…Namaste…     

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