Wednesday 21 August 2013

...Namaste...a wonder filled day to all from the beauty that is Natal...I am deeply and humbly, humbly grateful for it...One love...

…it is not always easy to decipher/understand the writings/intentions of the people from the past ages/era's, there have been many scribes, Pharisees, theologians, priests, preachers, rulers, governments, as well as charlatans, that have ALL added their voices or opinions to what the Abrahamic scriptures say/said…

…it is impossible to understand what people in and from previous civilizations perceived, from what they were taught/learned, an example may assist…on the ancient temples/pyramids of Egypt there are hieroglyphs…these hieroglyphs can be read from many differing and varied perspectives, where one sees a king another sees an enlightened being...

...where one sees the ancients, harvesting crops, another sees the “harvest” as the meaning of the time of harvest, or for that matter, the harvest is in fact a depiction highlighting the harvests to come, and not of the ancients actual harvests…they could be the hopes and aspirations of future harvests etc...

…we cannot assume another’s thinking unless we were in direct contact with them…presently within the English language, we have the old saying/adage “broken telephone” which occurs on a daily basis…this occurs between brothers and sisters, business people, as well as everyday communication’s that have no real importance...

...this highlights how easy it is to mis-communicate simple conversations on a daily basis, let alone valuable information over centuries...we as mankind have had continual changes, from and within the translations of the various languages in which these scriptures have been taught...

…it is for this very purpose that the Creator in His Infinite Wisdom has ENSURED that there are at all times three “Horsemen” (ALL Enlightened beings), to not only ensure that His word is ever-present, but also to ensure that we as humanity do not wipe ourselves from the very face of this our world…

…furthermore with regard His Horsemen - I have a term for them, namely the Three making Seven, for the Three Horsemen themselves as well as for the Four under them that support and ensure that the same soul is ALWAYS present…once combined we become the eternal symbol Eight, for the Four Horsemen of change as well as the four below that in fact support us...

…should any of His Horsemen or their support lose their lives un-naturally or due to conflict, we as humanity lose ALL hope for any form of  salvation, and this our world is reduced with ALL mind, NOT soul, to the very same state that Mars was during Abel’s unfortunate rein…

…the soul is “borrowed” to the mind to assist it to rise through the various and perilous stages of growth within the many and varied universes…in the specific case of Mars, where His messenger lost His life ALL soul was removed…the minds to remain with the cause (the people that slew Abel) at the very centre of the now anger/pain/anguish/fear cesspool that is the remains of a failed sun…

…the idea of an expedition of people to Mars is TRULY foolish…one handful of the now bacteria (the previous minds) from within Mars would destroy our entire world through its negative emotional content alone…Mars as with Pluto will inevitably become black holes – doorways to the lower creations…

… His Messenger - the CreatorsSon…Lord Shiva/the Great Prophet Muhammad/the Nazarene/the Buddha/the Tao, etc. having been ALL,to name but a few, is tasked with living amongst humanity and is ALWAYS born of and from conflict in order to maintain an understanding of what we as humanity go through on a daily basis…at times He is born from and with wealth and at others without…if born with it He inevitably casts it aside, understanding the trap that it becomes…

…His Word has not been ever-present within Christianity, Judaism, Islam or for that matter ANY of the Abrahamic religions due to the continual conflicts that have arisen from within these very nations/religions...

...His Horsemen are fearless, they live not in fear of losing their lives (understanding that they are temporary)...they are concerned that we do not lose the planet, and thus ALL chance of our salvation...

…these religions have constituted the greatest danger due to the restless and warlike nature of those it was presented…a nation does not become a "leading" nation without conquering and leading in war and was therefore deemed necessary to leave the Abrahamic religions in terms of the Horsemen's rein until now this our precession period, in order to ensure that no Horseman loses His life...

…it is now my task to take up these reins, in order to highlight, once again the correct manner, in which these messages were actually originally presented, before being corrupted...the well known scribes, Pharisees, kings, governments, priests, and scholars, with truly no understanding of what they were in fact doing to THEMSELVES, let alone their people, have all had a hand in manipulating His message to their benefit...

...What is truly amazing is the amount of TRUTH remaining within these texts - ALL to be read and understood task is now to ensure that the people of these religions can understand what was originally taught, and in so doing have a chance at becoming One with our beloved Creator…

…the truth is unfortunately the the most bitter pill for any to swallow…Jack Nicholson said it best, yet I do believe, that we as mankind are most resilient and CAN handle anything, they can actually see clearly and understand tangibly…

…One love…
With and in humble regards

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