Monday 26 August 2013

      …Namaste…A wonder filled morning to all from a wondrously, glorious Natal…One love…

…Wisdom and compassion flow from simplicity and clarity…from having nothing to prove and nothing to defend…

…there are around 8.4 million differing forms of life present on our planet Earth…of these beautiful, diverse and wondrous creatures we as mankind (human being) are the only creature, born with our Pineal glands open…were our Soul, to be present, within the baby’s body, during birth, when the skull is compressed through the birth canal, said baby would not survive the compression during the course of birth…

…when our wonderfully, giving and nurturing ladies fall pregnant, the babies allotted Soul, is entwined with the mother’s Soul…it experiences her life through her eyes until birth…this allows it to bond beautifully with its mother…trust is created between the two that no father can compete with, provided the Love between lives on, and past lives, and present scars, do not adversely affect their beautiful relationship…

…you will note that ALL pregnant women radiate…this is due to the two souls being entwined within one body, prior to said mother giving birth…the Soul encapsulates the Effulgent Light, that is the Creators Light…as we age so the scars of life (immediately after and from birth) begin to overshadow the baby’s light (from previous as well as present existences)…

                                 …hence the Nazarene’s, “through the eyes of a child”…

…once life on this planet had come through the necessary ages…allowing the Souls that were originally allocated for it, to shed as much of their desire as possible - understanding that the dinosaur was extremely carnal/desire filled, and originally, from the previous and lower spiritual planes – having accomplished the necessary to escape these far darker and treacherous realms …

…the Creator in His Infinite Mercy, manifests His Beautiful Light…within one of the creatures that are capable and able to, learning and progressing, through the pitfalls of life, within this realm…rise… to see…and aspire to Him…we are “given” of Him…hence the term “we are made in His image”…yet we have ABSOLUTELY no idea of His reality…

…for this Beautiful Manifestation of His Effulgent Light…birth is NOT the prerequisite…the Light manifests through the original Saints of this our planet…the “Manifested”…then go forth and breed/multiply…under the watchful guidance of the original Saints…Michael…Gabriel…etc…

…there are eight of these Beloved Saints, and once they have conceded that all is as it should be, they “fall” from grace…in order to take birth…within the realms of the newly formed and developing…“human being”…they take up the necessary roles and Rein of the Horsemen…there to protect and ensure…eight, one will note, is also the symbol for…eternity...

…these Saints are of Love…Effulgent Light…Power…Bliss…in the Infinite… which they hide to protect humanity from their reality…They are hidden as the Illuminati…They have the ability to do absolutely anything, but are of Love Supreme and not “magicians/charlatans”…one will not see them performing “miracles”…their focus remains on guidance of the people…”humane” beings to become…

                    …it is their Magick that constructed the Pyramids and oldest of Temples…

…we as mankind are the only creatures on this planet born with the ability to discern…we have the ability to discern between Creator and creature…through His Mercy Filled, Effulgent Light, Manifested within each and every one of us…the “freewill” granted us is there specifically to realise OUR compassion, for ALL that He has Created within this realm for our existence…

…if we choose to please the Creator…it is only through the realisation that He granted US His Mercy…in the very same manner for us to realise Him…we MUST be merciful toward ALL that He has Created…when we mirror Him…we aspire to Him…

…when we are killing and destroying/farming this, that was Created Perfection…in the name of our DESIRE…we are most definitely not emulating Him…if we cannot even emulate Him…what chance do we have to aspire to Him…

      …Love…Effulgent Light…Bliss…Infinite life Supreme…ALL awaits…the truly humane beings…

                                                              ...One love...

Humble regards

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