Thursday 22 August 2013

…Namaste…greetings from a wondrous Natal…I stand before all totally HUMBLED…

…a true giant among men sent me the following verse the other day…I was “too busy”, attempting to “please all”…my wife has often said that I, “do not see the wood for the trees”…all very true especially in this instance…one cannot work from the perimeters/outskirts…we spread naturally from the inside, out…

…"Not until we have become humble and teachable, standing in awe of God's holiness and sovereignty... acknowledging our own littleness, distrusting our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down, can divine wisdom become ours." James I (J.I.)”…

…within the physical everything, is in essence a TWO way street…I have been “crowing” and “telling” without actually simply LISTENING…hence my HUMILITY…for if one cannot even listen, what chance does one have, where advice let alone teaching/leading is concerned…I am new…very new to this, that I have now awoken presently…and for this I beg forgiveness, from all that have actually bothered to listen, or for that matter read…

…John 3:16…”For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”…

…the Abrahamic religions, have all been fraught with adversity…the Jewish versus the Christian…the Christian versus the Muslim…and again the Muslim versus the Jewish, as well as the Christian…in truth a wondrous dance, that has achieved so very much in terms of technological accomplishment…yet cost so very much in terms of anger, hatred and death…were it not for these warring and ferocious peoples…we as mankind would never have achieved the technologies that we are now blessed with…it took ALL three, for were even one removed, the results would not be a fraction of what we as mankind, have achieved…

…the greatest achievement is surely the realisation that all of this anger, hatred, and death, have now become tiresome, to all of these peoples…they have not only in themselves learned that these “passions” are not, what this, our life should be lived within, or for that matter, forced upon any fellow "HUMANE" being…but actually taught the entire world what should or should not be…

…where Christianity is concerned much has been said regarding the “passion of Christ”…the Nazarene knew, that these three religions would be the conflict that would, to all intents and purposes bring us ALL (all other nations as well as our planet) before the Creators Will...John 3:16 applies to these three religions…the Passion of Christ was not the Nazarene’s Passion, but man’s to be removed through Him…

…Ephesians 4:17-19…”This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness”…

...Ephesians verse 18 refers to the fact that the Nazarene knew and understood, that He could not ensure His Living Word, would remain through the centuries, with no Horseman to guide these three differing and warring religions..."being alienated from the Life of God"...He also knew that they had to experience our history, before they could be once again assisted by and through Him... 

…one will note that Ephesians verse 19 refers to the cardinal, sins that are now very prevalent with this our world today, so much so that they have continuing effects, on those philosophies, that are even presently Reined by the CreatorsSon’s Brethren/fellow Horsemen…

…it is truly unfortunate, that there could be no Horseman in order to lead these wondrous people, naturally due to the dangers involved...yet these three religions within themselves have educated ALL as well as themselves…it is for this SPECIFIC purpose that the Creator sends His Son…this occurs on all developing worlds within ALL universes…the CreatorsSon is the only One, that He deems fit, and allows to assist these, His warring/building/creating people, through these perilous times as well as those before us…

…much has been said within all scriptures of the “Living Word”…in truth this Living Word is precisely that…the Word MUST be GIVEN by the Living Horseman/CreatorsSon at all times through all lifetimes, thus ensuring it's very Integrity and Authority…

…I stand before ALL…utterly in humility…I am here to assist, in any and all possible manner…

…One love…

In and with humble regard

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